The Israel Palestine Advocacy Group started in 2022 as a study group to explore the roots of the Israel-Palestine conflict. After witnessing Israel’s brutal response to the Hamas attack, we decided to take action. We have organized with community members who share our concern to put on demonstrations, host speakers and helped found Albany Palestine Solidarity, which takes part in additional actions.
In August 2024, we started a process of discernment to decide whether the church will endorse a 2023 resolution of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ General Assembly and March 2024 the pastoral letter from our General Minister and President calling for an end to war crimes on both sides, an end to Israel’s apartheid system and illegal occupation, restoration of the legal rights of Palestinians in the entirety of historic Palestine, and cessation of arms shipments to Israel to persuade its government to respect international law on warfare and human rights.
Compelled to Witness Pastoral Letter Affirming Justice, Rights, and Accountability in Promoting Peace and Justice in Palestine (February 2022)
GA resolution 2339 (May 3, 2023)
A pastoral letter for a time of crisis and suffering (March 20, 2024)
Kairos Palestine website
Global Ministries of Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and United Church of Christ Israel-Palestine webpage
Roots of the conflict (from the Institute for Middle East Understanding)
A pastoral letter for peace and justice from the leaders of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ (September 3, 2024)
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