In October of 2021, First Christian Church of Albany voted to become a member of Health Care for All Oregon, the statewide coalition that is leading the effort to create a publicly funded system of health care. This system will assure that anyone living in Oregon has access to comprehensive, quality healthcare when they need it, regardless of ability to pay.
The members of the congregation unanimously support universal health care access, and members of the Health Care Justice Mission team see it as a moral obligation to participate in the work it will take to make that happen. Mindful of the message of the parable of the Good Samaritan, we are following Jesus’ admonition to “go and do likewise.” We encourage anyone interested in helping in this work to check out the links below to learn more about universal health care and how you can help make it a reality in Oregon.
Helpful Links:
FAQ About Publicly Funded Universal Health Care
How the Faith Community Can Help Bring Universal Health Care to Oregon
Health Care for All Oregon website
Become a Member of HCAO
FCC Motions to Join HCAO
Press Release: Albany First Christian Church Joins the Movement for Universal Health Care
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